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Rabbinic Review: Rabbi Dr. Yitzchok Breitowitz

This is a very important book addressing some very important questions. Judaism posits a G-d that is moral, good, compassionate and just, and we are commanded to emulate those qualities. And yet at first glance there seems to be much in the Torah that contradicts these values. Rabbi Michoel Stern has taken on the daunting […]

Rabbinic Review: Rabbi Dr. Akiva Tatz

This book attempts to answer many of the challenges raised in the modern mind by Torah values. In truth, these questions arise only because we inhabit a paradigm that is foreign to Torah. Nevertheless, answers should be given where that is possible. The answers given here will appeal more to those who are within the […]


IX Foreword X Preface XII Acknowledgments 1 Introduction The Point and the Premise / Exclusive Focus on the Jewish Scriptures / Mesorah, the Integral Nature of the Oral Tradition / Not All Violence in Scripture Is Endorsed by the Divine / The Importance of Acknowledging a Spiritual Reality / The Verses Covered Are Comprehensive,but Not […]

Video: Rabbi Dovid Orlofksy

Is the Good Book Bad? was recently highlighted on Rabbi Dovid Orlovsky‘s weekly video podcast, “The Rabbi Orlofsky Show.” Born on Long Island, Rabbi Orlovsky directed the region’s NCSY program for nine years before moving to Israel, where he has continued his work in Jewish education and outreach. His web site offers both live and […]

Review: Paul Copan

Michoel Stern has written a fascinating and worthwhile book that addresses a number of the troubling texts in the Hebrew Scriptures. Taking a traditional Jewish perspective, he brings together numerous reflections and insights from within the oral rabbinical tradition. While readers may not necessarily agree with certain interpretations presented, they can be grateful for Stern’s […]

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