Haskama: Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky

Menachem Av 5779

B”h there has been a resurgence of Torah learning in our generation. Many people who have begun studying Torah find the study of Navi particularly uplifting. Yet many sections of Navi leaves the student baffled in terms of understanding the moral rectitude of the events.

Rabbi Stern has spent years gathering authentic Torah sources who deal with these issues in particular. This will be helpful both for the teacher who may elaborate on the points noted here, and the student who is capable of using these texts to strike out on his own.

This work fills a great vacuum, and iy”h will prove to be an invaluable aid in making the word of Hashem accessible to all.

Ahron Lopianskyhttps://ravlopiansky.com

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Haskama: Rabbi Ahron Lopiansky

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